Matrimonial Revolution
| DilKeRishte

Since ancient times, Indian society has developed a belief about certain traditional practices to be the core foundation of firmness and sustainability, marriage being one of them. Indian wedding system is known for its rich authenticity in terms of culture and practice but the fundamentals of love and commitment behind tying the knot are concerningly lost.
Even after being at an upper ladder of development for more than a decade, the happiness indices of the country is declining at an alarming rate.
The index of successful marriages of a country is a strong and crucial parameter for determining levels of its happiness ratings and while we are moving tall and positive on economic and other frontiers of development as per the recent studies, we are still going south in the territory of happiness among people.
As it was established that there lies a heavy dependency of the contentment on marriages, it came to light to Mr Suresh Nair’s mind about the budding matrimonial issues in our society.
Arranged marriages are performed mainly with the idea of families compatibility keeping the likeliness of prospective bride and groom aside. Therefore to cope up with the issue and reduce the declining trend of the longevity of marriages, he innovated a new concept of matrimony matchmaking through video profiles and video calling of prospective members in his latest venture named
By creating video profiles, the registered users can access and filter the biodata of their prospective matches with a better understanding of each person. After carefully analyzing the video profiles, the users can then begin the conversation via chat and also through video calling without having to share any personal details. This provides a sense of safety and security among the users and they can virtually carry ahead their compatibility until they find an appropriate time to finally meet them in person.
The website also ensures the credibility of its registered users as it features only 100 % verified profiles on its portal.
With the effective use of this innovative matrimony approach, we really look forward to witnessing a positive rational change in the entire sphere of arranged marriages globally.