Dil Ke Rishte
Here are some handy tips and Top Wedding Destinations for 2021, to help you plan your dream destination wedding.
It's finally happened - you've found the partner of your dreams on a top matrimony site in India (Dil ke Rishte Matrimony), and you've decided to get engaged. It's time to begin planning a wedding now. After the COVID-19 pandemic delayed weddings for months, the destination wedding market is on its way back to full recovery. Couples are lining up to be married in sun-soaked areas of the world — and in numbers never seen before.
14 Sep, 2021 13:09 PM

Dil Ke Rishte
क्या शादी करने के लिए सिर्फ बायो – डाटा काफी है ?
तक़रीबन एक दशक पहले वैश्विक तौर पर विवाह जैसे महत्वपूर्ण विषयों पर नज़र रखने वाली एक अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संस्था ने एक सर्वे जारी किया था जिसमे ये कहा गया कि सिर्फ बायो – डाटा के आधार पर त्वरित शादी के बंधन में बंधने वाले 38 प्रतिशत जोड़े बेहद अल्पसमय में एक दूसरे का आकर्षक खोने की और चल पड़ते हैं और अंततः शादी टूटने के आलावा कोई चारा नहीं बचता। अब ज़रा गहनता से सोचिये कि ये सर्वे लगभग 10 साल पुराना है और प्रौद्योगिकी के जिस युग में हम जी रहे हैं वह ये आंकड़े अब तक निश्चित तौर पर कम हो जाने चाहिए थे लेकिन ऐसे हुआ नहीं।
07 Sep, 2019 11:09 AM

Dil Ke Rishte
Matrimonial Revolution
Since ancient times, Indian society has developed a belief about certain traditional practices to be the core foundation of firmness and sustainability, marriage being one of them. Indian wedding system is known for its rich authenticity in terms of culture and practice but the fundamentals of love and commitment behind tying the knot are concerningly lost.
07 Sep, 2019 05:09 AM

Dil Ke Rishte
Matrimony With An Innovative Concept To Find Prospective Bride/Groom [Infographic]
Trendsetter World’s First Matrimony With Video Profiles (Jaipur Based Startup)
9 Important Reasons Why You Should Create A Profile On Dilkerishte.com Matrimony?
30 Apr, 2019 10:04 AM

Dil Ke Rishte
3 Post-Wedding Rituals in Telugu Wedding You Must Know About!
Get to know more about the various post-wedding customs performed in a Telugu marriage.
29 Apr, 2019 09:04 AM
Recent Post
- Here are some handy tips and Top Wedding Destinations for 2021, to help you plan your dream destination wedding.
- क्या शादी करने के लिए सिर्फ बायो – डाटा काफी है ?
- Matrimonial Revolution
- Matrimony With An Innovative Concept To Find Prospective Bride/Groom [Infographic]
- 3 Post-Wedding Rituals in Telugu Wedding You Must Know About!
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